I'v been thinking about this for a while, to start bloggin in English too. After all I do have some visits from the US and those people I'm even more far away from than you Swedish-speakers, and google translator in all it's glory, but the meaning of the text can easily make no sense at all. So I will every now and then make som writing in English too, just klick on "English" in the tag cloud!

I'm right now sitting in my bed in Germany where I am right now living. The world isn't larger than what you make it and I've decided it's not big at all :P I'm working as an Au Pair, living in a family taking care of their kids, pretty much like a nanny but no education. Right now I'm trying to give as much of my energy as possible to the three very energetic kids, I wonder if I was like that as a kid too? All boys which I think adds even a little more energy to it, but they are all very cute and it def is not boring! I'm trying to network and I praise the lord for Internet, living in a small town seems to be my thing, unsure of why since I do like big cities to and getting to know people might be easier there to. Anyways, I've only been here a little more than a week and haven't really felt the need of getting out of the house just yet but I've started joining some forums and such so I'm hoping there are some nice people in the area ;P
I will stop with this project if I don't get any respons on these, just warning you :P
Take care,
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